Welcome to our SEND information report which is part of Tanfield School’s Local Offer for learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
Tanfield is proud to be an inclusive school where our young people are regarded as individuals and no effort is spared to cater for the particular interests, talents and abilities of each and every student. Indeed, personalised learning is the key to academic success and to the enjoyment of education as is the active involvement of young people in all aspects of school life.
Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the students in their class.
Inclusive high-quality teaching is our first step in responding to students who have SEN. This will be differentiated for individual students.
Inclusive high quality teaching
We will follow the graduated approach and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do and review.
The process of Assess, Plan, Do and Review is at the heart of the graduated approach. All teachers work closely with the SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo to identify and make provision. This is an evidenced based approach to making provision and the expectation is that staff working with SEND students will have sufficient knowledge and skills to make a difference. Consultation with parents, carers and students are essential throughout the process.
Our SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo and class teacher working together to analyse needs using a range of sources including the school’s approach to student attainment, progress and attitude to learning. Consultation is key and it may be necessary to consult widely both in school, with parents and carers and with outside professionals to get the best picture of needs. Establishing close links with those responsible for assessment and home school links is also important to us here at Tanfield School.
This is when the School decides to provide SEND support. Parents are invited to a planning meeting. Interventions and support are provided in consultation with the parents, child, SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo and class teacher. The expected impact on progress, development and behaviour are agreed, and a date for review set. In this planning phase, we identify the gaps in the child’s learning and current provision and what is expected in terms of results following any provision.
This involves providing effective support and interventions with regular feedback to students, parents and staff about progress. The SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo and Learning Support team support form and subject teachers in any further assessment and provide mentoring in all aspects of curriculum modification.
We have regular reviews of progress with parents and students. Baseline data and outcomes will guide the review conversation and any gaps can be identified and planned for.
We will assess each student’s current skills and levels of attainment on entry, which will build on previous settings and Key Stages, where appropriate.
Class teachers will make regular assessments of progress for all students and identify those whose progress:
This may include progress in areas other than attainment, for example, social needs.
Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean a student is recorded as having SEN.
When deciding whether special educational provision is required, we will start with the desired outcomes, including the expected progress and attainment, and the views and the wishes of the student and their parents. We will use this to determine the support that is needed and whether we can provide it by adapting our core offer, or whether something different or additional is needed.
Primary school staff support transition by sharing their concerns and identifying those students who would benefit from our nurture provision. We employed a primary school teacher in 2021 to teacher the nurture group and tailor their timetable to include bespoke work surrounding numeracy and literacy. This includes a variety of interventions to include Direct Instruction and reading intervention.
Cycle assessment data also indicates those students who would benefit from morning and afternoon mastery (8:00am-8:40am and 3:05pm-4:00pm) to address maths and English content/re-teach to reduce any gaps in learning. This is for KS3 students.
Access arrangements for examinations
At the end of year 9/start of Year 10, students are identified and assessed by a qualified specialist (approved by the LA) for exam arrangements. Students may be awarded extra time, reader, scribe, prompter, rest breaks or a combination and this will be their normal way of working in the classroom and all examinations.
Our school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of needs, including:
We make the following adaptations to ensure all students’ needs are met:
SEND students
When a student is a child who is looked after (CLA) and also have a SEND, Tanfield School put a lot of time and support in to match the needs of the individual child. They will be placed on either a monitoring register or have a SEND support plan or Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) depending on their needs. These are reviewed termly with the student, foster carer and social worker. They also are supported with a Personal Education Plan (PEP) that is reviewed every 4 months with outcomes discussed and new outcomes set. The designated teacher for CLA students is also the SENDCo at Tanfield.
Those students who continue to have significant difficulties will be referred for Statutory Assessment. The Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) covers the needs of 0-25 year olds. The single plan will be supported by a new single assessment that involves professionals from all relevant services. SENDCos can expect to be involved in contributing to the development and implementation of EHCPs from then onwards.
The application for an EHC plan will combine information from a variety of sources including:
Information will be gathered relating to the current provision provided, action points that have been taken, and the preliminary outcomes of targets set.
We are proud to offer services on the school site to students and their families. Tanfield School have access to specialist advisory teachers, 15 days of Autistic Spectrum Condition support and 2 days Educational psychologist time. We have a school counsellor based on site two days a week offering students 1 to 1 sessions around issues of anxiety, loss and bereavement or self-harm. Tanfield School also have a resilience nurse who attends Tanfield School every Tuesday morning.
We are proud to offer services on the school site to students and their families. Tanfield School have access to specialist advisory teachers, 15 days of Autistic Spectrum Condition support and 2 days Educational psychologist time. We have a school councillor based on site two days a week offering students 1 to 1 sessions around issues of anxiety, loss and bereavement or self-harm. Tanfield School also have a resilience nurse who attends Tanfield School every Tuesday morning.
Tanfield School puts working with parents/carers and students at the centre of its work. Students are regularly involved with reviewing their progress and encouraged to express their needs and concerns with relevant staff. Students with SEND are encouraged to express any concerns they may have to the SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo, Learning support Assistant, their Advisor, their Year Manager or any other member of staff with whom they feel comfortable to talk about their concerns.
Parents and carers are equally at the centre of supporting their children. They are fully involved in decisions about support for their child, including decisions to investigate a potential diagnosis, referral to external agencies, planning and evaluating support. They are encouraged to contact any member of staff at school if they have any concerns about their child. The SENDCo is always pleased to discuss any concerns involving SEND with parents and carers.
Feedback is very important from parents about the support that their child receives at Tanfield. This is done through Arbor and a copy of their child’s updated SEND support plan each term. This ensures parents are fully aware of the support and attainment of their child as well as providing an opportunity to share what they feel is going well and any concerns that they may have. This is essential to help the school adapt practices and support to make sure we get it right for the individual child.
‘All schools have duties under the Equality Act 2010 towards individual disabled children and young people. They must make reasonable adjustments to prevent them being put at a substantial disadvantage.’ ‘Schools also have wider duties to prevent discrimination, to promote equality of opportunity and to foster good relations’ (Quotations taken from the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years. Published August 2014 for implementation in September 2014.)
Tanfield School is an inclusive school and actively seeks to promote the inclusion of students with SEND. We use our best endeavours to ensure that all students with SEND are able to fully participate in the life of the school, both in their learning and in the wider provision and life of the school. Adaptations and provisions are made for SEND students to enable them to participate in all school trips and other out of class activities.
Students with SEND are actively encouraged, supported and given opportunities to become involved with extra-curricular activities. For example, current students with SEND have been involved with the following clubs: lunchtime clubs, homework club, various music clubs, science club, sports clubs, and live performance events. SEND students have also participated in student panels for student council, new members of staff and Year 6 transition support.
Admission arrangements
The admission arrangements for all students are in accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. This includes students with any level of SEND; those with EHC plans and those without.
All SEND paperwork and relevant information will be gathered by the Learning Support team and Year Manager from the primary schools and any agencies working with the student as soon as possible. The SENDCo will attend Year 6 students Annual Review meetings so that the targets set are SMART and can be worked on from the outset of the students start date at Tanfield.
The school will do its best to ensure that the necessary provisions and preparations are made prior (where possible) to the start of the student’s school year. The student will be closely monitored from the start of the new school year to ensure that all the appropriate provisions are in place.
Click here to view our Accessibility Plan.
We will share information with the school, college, or other setting the student is moving to. We will agree with parents and student’s which information will be shared as part of this.
Tanfield School understands that transition between schools and other establishments is sometimes an anxious time for parents/carers and students, especially for students with SEND.
For students coming into Year 7 at Tanfield School, the SENDCo , Assistant SENDCo and Year Manager for Y7 endeavour to visit all primary schools where there are students coming to Tanfield School. They meet with Year 6 teachers or leaders to gain as much information as possible about these students, including SEND information. For students with SEND, the SENDCo receives all relevant Year 6 information, including SEND files. The SENDCo is also responsible for overall transition and currently offers Y4, 5 and 6 students’ information evenings, transition days, and additional visits.
Parents/carers of students with SEND in primary schools whose child will be coming to Tanfield School are always welcome to contact our SENDCo who will discuss your child and their provision on the telephone or arrange a meeting for you (and your child if appropriate) to come in to discuss this.
All Year 6 students who will be attending Tanfield School, are invited in for 3 transition days in the summer term, taking part in activities to help them adjust to life at Tanfield School. We also have an online Hub which Y6 students and their families can access throughout the summer term and the summer break. Many students with SEND are invited in for extra transition sessions to introduce them to life at Tanfield School to try to allay any anxieties as much as possible.
For students with Education, Health and Care Plans, the SENDCo will attend their Year 6 EHCP review meetings to begin to understand the needs of these students and plan their transition. For students with high transition needs, the SENDCo will put in place a more personalised transition programme, in conjunction with the primary school and parents/carers. Parents/carers of students with EHCP’s of Special Educational Needs and disabilities in Year 5 who are considering a placement at Tanfield School are very welcome to contact the SENDCo at Tanfield School at any time to discuss their child’s needs or arrange a meeting or visit to the School.
Transition between Key Stages is also supported closely by the SENDCo and Learning Support Department. A review meeting can take place with parents / carers of a student with SEND to ensure the right options are chosen for their Key Stage 4 provision. If a student has an EHCP then transition is supported by the SEND Casework team during their year 9 review to ensure Key Stage 4 is well planned for and Post 16 is starting to be considered.
For students leaving Year 11, the SENDCo works with our Post 16 Provision Coordinator, Careers advisors and the One Point service to ensure that all students have thought through their next steps and have appropriate applications to post-16 providers. We also liaise with their next provider to ensure that they understand about a student’s support needs. All students with an Education, Health and Care Plan will have access to the above services from Year 10 onwards.
The Local Authority funds schools to support their SEND provision. Each individual school receives their own SEND funding from the Local Authority. Each school identifies specific interventions to use this fund and their impact is monitored and reviewed by the school. We, at Tanfield School, use our professional judgement to ensure that the funding is distributed to have the greatest impact on our SEND students. We regularly review this at school level to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency. We strive to ensure equity, transparency and clarity within the Academy for the monies spent on all learners and their needs.
Tanfield School is committed to creating a safe environment in which everyone is appreciated for themselves, and in which care and consideration for others is nurtured within a community. Emphasis is placed upon the development of a school culture and expectation that bullying is unacceptable, challenged and resolved. For more information about how our school responds to bullying incidents, please refer to our Behaviour Policy in the policies section of our website.
SENDCo: Mrs Sarah Douglas
Responsible for implementation of the school’s SEND policy, management of the day to day support, progress and inclusion of all students with SEND, identification of students with SEND, liaison with parents, students and outside agencies, special exam access arrangements, providing support and training for all school staff on SEND needs and liaising with feeder schools.
Assistant SENDCo: Miss Caroline Dixon
Learning Support Assistants: Mrs Nikki Malia, Mrs Ana Rojas Perdomo and Mrs Victoria Atkinson
Learning Support Assistant Apprentices: Miss Kate Halpin, Miss Ruby Atter
Year Manager - Year 7: Mr Graeme Davison
Year Manager - Year 8: Mr Grant Parker
Year Manager - Year 9: Mrs Helen Johnson
Year Manager - Year 10: Mrs Marie Farrell
Year Manager - Year 11: Mr Matthew Smith
SEND Governors: Miss Christine McGough
Children Who Are Looked After Governor: Mr Paul Ensell
Families are welcome to contact the school and share their concerns, a multi-agency approach may be required and the SEN department and pastoral team will initiate an Early Help referral or any other support networks which are appropriate.
The main port of call for parents/carers is the Local Offer site: