As you may be aware the theme for this year’s Children in Need is ‘Fancy Dress’. Tanfield School will be raising funds for the charity by holding a non-uniform day – the theme being ‘Wear your Onesie’ or ‘Fancy Dress’.
Students will pay £1 for the privilege of wearing a onesie or fancy dress theme costume for that day and we are hoping to offer a raffle for which tickets will be sold at a cost of 50p per strip of 5.
Students have been advised today that ‘Pudsey Light-up Ears’ will be sold at a cost of £3.50 to wear on the day. If you would like to purchase these please make a payment via ParentPay.
Inappropriate fancy dress or clothing (e.g. cropped tops, shorts etc.) will not be allowed and lessons will continue as normal throughout the day therefore please ensure your child is fully equipped.
We hope you will support us by allowing your child to participate in helping us to raise funds and awareness for this worthwhile charity.