In March our Year 7 students went on a residential experience to Ullswater in the Lake District. In partnership with The Outward Bound Trust, it was an incredible personal development opportunity.

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Why do we have a residential in Year 7?

  • To strengthen our transition programme from Year 6 to Year 7;
  • To develop self confidence and self belief;
  • To improve communication and teamwork;
  • To improve skills of self-management;
  • To make the most of opportunities;
  • To have fun and develop friendships;
  • To improve problem solving skills;
  • To increase resilience;
  • To develop employability skills (we all offer more than just our qualifications!).

As you can see from these photos, our students had a wonderful time and we look forward to taking year 6 next year when they join Team Tanfield! A letter will be sent to families about this soon.

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