Our core values of hard work, trust and fairness permeate all that we do. From the moment a student arrives at Tanfield, we ask them to live these values: Hard Work, Trust, and Fairness.
We also focus on three key drivers: Mastery, which is the drive to get better at things that matter; Autonomy, or the drive to direct our own lives; and Purpose, which is the drive to connect to a cause larger than ourselves (Dan Pink, 'Drive').
We clearly communicate our mission, values and drivers throughout every day so that the whole school community knows the purpose of everything that we do.
For students to meet our high expectations, we know that we need to invest in building very strong relationships with parents, carers and families. Tanfield School encourages your involvement. We want you to play an active part in your child’s education and to support our staff as they carry out their responsibilities with your child.
Steven Clough
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